To enable the Administrator account type the following command in the Elevated Command Prompt and press Enter on your keyboard.

An image of what this should look like is:

Enable the Administrator account

If you have enabled the Administrator account, please assign it a password as it does not have one by default. It is also suggested that you rename the account using the instructions here.
To disable the Administrator account type the following command in the Elevated Command Prompt and press Enter on your keyboard.
net user administrator /active:no
An image of what this should look like is:

Disable the Administrator account

You can now type Exit and press Enter on your keyboard to exit the Elevated Command Prompt.

If you manage a Remote Desktop Server (RDS) where multiple users and non-admins login, you probably don’t want them to see the Windows Update notifications that popup after logging in. After all, only administrators should be installing the Windows Updates. Depending on your setup, you’ll want to create a Group Policy that will disable the Windows Update notifications for non-administrators. You can either create or edit a group policy from your Domain Controller and apply it to the OU where your Remote Desktop Server lives in Active Directory, or you can run gpedit.msc on the server itself and apply it locally.

You Must Be The Root User To Run This Program

How To Turn Off Windows Update Notifications For Users (Non-Administrators) via Group Policy

The above settings will work on Windows 2000 Service Pack 3 through Windows Server 2016 and Windows XP Professional Service Pack 1 through the latest Windows 10.

Allow Non Admin To Run This Program Windows 7

How To Run As Administrator Windows 10

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